Thursday/ home!

.. and it’s still Thursday.   I traveled back in time, so to speak, of course.  It reminds me of the limerick –

There was a young lady named Bright
Whose speed was much faster than light;
She set out one day,
In a relative way
And returned on the previous night.

– by Arthur Henry Reginald Buller, in the December 19, 1923 issue of Punch

It’s 10 o’clock at night and I have to run out to get milk and bread. I’ll put a few more Hong Kong pictures up tomorrow.

Thursday/ at Hong Kong airport

No, I did not eat too much Chinese food while I was here! .. the photo is a reflection from a polished work of art at the airport.

My flight has been delayed by 6 hours, but that’s OK. It is so nice to be able to go home for a week.  Wednesday night, we stayed at the upmarket Marriott Hong Kong Sky City hotel, close to the airport last night.

My colleagues, carnivorous Americans that they are, couldn’t wait to sink their teeth into a cheeseburger in the hotel’s restaurant.  They talked about it with some of our Chinese colleagues already as we were leaving Daya Bay.  The conversation went as follows : ‘You should not kill animals and eat them, you should eat vegetables’. Response : ‘Oh, we kill the animals to save the vegetables!’. Oh boy : ).

I had plans of my own :  grabbed a sandwich in the hotel lobby and went out to explore the city with the help of the MTR subway system.  I will post a few night-time pictures of Hong Kong when I get home.  Night time there offers spectacular cityscapes.  At one point the train went through an out-worldly forest of 50 story-high apartment buildings.   The airport is out on Lantau island west of Hong Kong island, and it takes a while to get to Kowloon or Hong Kong and so it was already 10pm by the time I got there, and most of the stores were closing.  I should be able to come back to Hong Kong several times, though.

Wednesday/ last day

Let’s go! Let’s go! .. is what Gus is saying, telling us to get in our little bus so that we can leave. This bus only takes us into the little town of Da Peng, where a minibus driver with Hong Kong as well as China mainland registration plates will pick us up to take us to the airport hotel.

We are cramming in as much work as possible today before we leave. We plan to leave at 4pm today for Hong Kong, and stay over at the airport hotel.

I might have been able to have stuck around until Thursday morning, because my flight is only at noon on Thursday. It’s better to travel with the departing group, though. I plan to explore Hong Kong at night on my own a little – I hope there is time for that.

Tuesday/ work, dinner

Hey, Tuesday is one day closer to Thursday.  By now the bus ride in to work offers few surprises, but I still see many more ‘out of place things’ than perhaps I would see in the USA on the way to work : a kid that seems way too young to be bicycling on his own on the busy road; an electrical control panel door left open on the side of a building, a driver doing a risky move.

Here’s a red bean milkshake that I had at the Silver Dragon restaurant in Hong Kong  on Saturday (very nice !).

We had dinner last night at a new (for us) little restaurant close to our apartments, and the food was excellent: pork on a bone with Szechuan spices (I’m still careful to bite too big into food with these), eggplant strips with garlic, noodles in a broth (got to have those!) and TsingTao beer.  The tab? A scant 43 yuan ($6) each.   I’m told the cleaning lady for our apartment gets $6 for two hours’ work.

On a Saturday morning we can walk down towards the beach and buy a delicious omelet-like breakfast on the sidewalk by the beach for 50 American cents.   The radiant heater-fan combination in our apartment was all of $12 at Walmart.   Of course, a cheap currency helps exports (as my dad told us many times at the dinner table when we were kids!), but it also makes the money in the Great Piggy Bank of China (by some estimates it was $4.3 trillion in 2009) worth a lot less.

Monday/ back to work

I’ve borrowed one of the weekend in Hong Kong’s pictures to cheer me up, since it’s Monday – a working sap’s un-favorite day of the week.  These characters adorned a rack of jackets in the clothing floor of  the  Sogo department store which reminded me much of Macy’s in the USA.

I do have Wednesday to look forward to as the last day of this trip.  Most of us go back on Thursday.  (Yippee!). Some team members will ‘hold the fort’ and retain a presence here, and back in the USA we will have to finish up some documentation.

Sunday/ more of Hong Kong

Pictures from exploring Hong Kong.

On the ‘Avenue of the Stars’ in Kowloon on mainland Hong Kong. My colleague Samuel and I are about to take the Star ferry to cross Victoria harbor to Hong Kong Island, with its skyline behind me.
‘Impossible is nothing’, says the billboard from Adidas on Hennessey Road in Causeway Bay. The black bus below is painted in a Swiss watch maker Rado (founded 1917) ad.
Billboards in Mong Kok residential district in Hong Kong. Mong Kok is a buzzing maze of narrow streets, known for its shops. Patrick Chan is a celebrity tutor in Hong Kong. (No relation to movie superstar Jackie Chan, nor to Canadian figure skater Patrick Chan).
Budweiser beer truck on Sai Yeung Choi St in Mong Kok residential district.
A mythical creature, possibly the Lion of Saint Mark, in an upscale store window on Hong Kong Island. It looks like it is made from the colored glass called lazurite glass
Shantung Street in Mong Kok, with signs everywhere! (If you are driving, do not miss the NO ENTRY signs). Many stores are only just opening, at 10.30am! .. but I’m told they are open until very late at night.
Eye-catching beauty in a shop window. She is promoting Neway entertainment lounges, a leader in the karaoke industry in Hong Kong. 
My colleague Samuel on the southern shore of Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon on the promenade by Victoria harbor. The Clock Tower behind him is a landmark building in Hong Kong. It is all that remains of the original site of the former Kowloon Station on the Kowloon-Canton Railway.
Catching the red line on the Hong Kong’s world class subway system called MTR (Mass Transit Railway) to Hong Kong Island. The subway tunnel goes under Victoria Harbor to move passengers between Kowloon and Hong Kong Island.

Saturday/ made it to Hong Kong

Wow! I made it to Hong Kong today!  and I so wished all of you could be here to experience it with me !  I would never have made it without going with my colleague from work, though.   We started out on a bus ride in Dameisha, and had to transfer twice. There is no way I could have figured out the Chinese bus tables at the transfer stops.  The buses took us to Shenzhen, and then we got separated at the Chinese customs, and again at the Hong Kong customs points.   Isn’t customs/ immigration is a little like human relationships? Do I let you in? Do I like you? Do I like your politics? What will you offer in return for the offer of new cultures, new vistas, new experiences? (Money! I guess).

The entire orange area is the city of Shenzhen. Our apartments in Dameisha are off the map, out to the east, and the project site is even further east, on the Daya Bay peninsula. That gray line is where mainland China and Hong Kong customs are. Victoria Bay is between Hong Kong Island and Kowloon on mainland Hong Kong (maybe it is more of a strait than a bay?).

After getting through Hong Kong customs, the efficient (and crowded) Mass Transit Railway (MTR) System is at one’s disposal to go just about anywhere on Hong Kong Island (bottom of map picture) and Kowloon (top part of map).   First a few basics about Hong Kong .. it is now a special administrative region of China (handed over in 1997 by the British), they have a different currency from China, the Hong Kong dollar. The written language is the same as in mainland China, but they speak Cantonese and not Mandarin!

So here goes with a quick run-down of what we did.  We stopped at a nice electronics store, and I bought a little handheld Chinese-English translator-computer with a stylus that lets one practice Chinese writing as well (I’ll try to learn just a few characters at a time. I have no illusions about how difficult it is, given that it takes a Chinese person 15 years of schooling to learn the written language!  Next we had a nice lunch, dumplings and noodles in a broth for me. The MTR got us to Victoria Bay/ Hong Kong harbor where the picture of me was taken (so it’s the Hong Kong Island skyline behind me, a little foggy).  Then we took the short Star Ferry ride across the water to Hong Kong Island. My colleague Samuel went clothes shopping while I went to a department store called Sogo. I came away with a stuffed panda bear, a lucky cat piggy bank and two Noritake coffee mugs.  The MTR took us back to the border post with Shenzhen, where we again negotiated the two customs entry points.  I was called out of the long line (no doubt because I was looking very foreign with my lily-white face in the large crowd of Asian people). My temperature was taken with an infrared scanner before they let me through.

I’ll post a selection of colorful pictures of Hong Kong tomorrow.  It was all a little overwhelming and I couldn’t get enough of the imagery everywhere.  I will have to go back.

Friday/ at work

So here we are : our third and last Friday before we get to go back home.  From where I sit in the corner, I see a collection of long desks and chairs on both sides, where we are all working.  There’s a Chinese SAP desk calendar on my right, and today we all got little red gift boxes from a guy that got married.  The little box has a miniature pink teddy bear with a bow tie on the lid, and there are little pieces of candy inside.  Little bears and other cuddly creatures are used on labeling & cards & advertising to signal a warm and fuzzy feeling, much as is the case in the USA, but more extensively so.

My weekend getaway plan is to go to Hong Kong by bus with a co-worker – only for a Saturday day trip.   It would be so great to have a local person to go with! It’s intimidating to step into a bus full of Chinese people, feeling that they are staring at you (usually they are not)!  I have not even been able to find a bus schedule online or at the bus stop.   Without the bus, my next best shot at the moment, is to walk down to the Sheraton hotel and see if they can get me a taxi.

The whole team went to dinner last night at the restaurant that serves up baby pigeons as its specialty.   (Yes, I am horrible – I ate some baby pigeon as well.  It is quite good!).   The table has a lazy Susan, and they must have brought out 25 different dishes : roasted peanuts, spicy cabbage, jellyfish (none for me), fish with parsnip, a hot corn drink, beer, oolong tea, goose, noodles, green beans with garlic; most of it interesting, and tasty.

Thursday/ seafood restaurant

I love the old-fashioned neon signage at this seafood restaurant in Dameisha.

At the top: 凤凰之王 (fèng zhī wáng) King of Phoenix, the name of the restaurant, I assume. The lettering on the lower level 美味凤之王海鲜餐 (Měiwèi fèng zhī wáng hǎixiān cān) translates to something like Delicious Phoenix King Seafood Meal. (Thanks to Google translate). 

Wednesday/ wǔ jiào

In China, most workers take a ‘siesta’ after lunch (I thought it was only the Spanish, but no) – it is called wǔ jiào and they really have cots here at work on which they sleep for an hour after lunch!  Then they troop back in here and work with us. Not fair!  I want  some wǔ jiào too!

Tuesday/ green tea mug

Green tea is very popular among my Chinese colleagues here at work.
The mugs have lids on, to keep the tea hot a little longer.

My company-issued green tea mug. The crane is part of the logo of the company. The Chinese characters 中国广东核电 Zhōngguó guǎngdōng hédiàn translates to China Guangdong Nuclear Power.

Monday’s done

Back at the apartment, Monday at work behind me.   Today I saw an SAP screen in Chinese alongside the English version.  The English is flawlessly lucid – and the Chinese unfathomably foreign! 🙂   Here is how Chinese characters are entered into any system : a Chinese computer keyboard is very close to a Western style keyboard, but the user types in syllables or English phonetic equivalents of Chinese characters. Embedded software interprets the keystrokes and pops the Chinese character into the application. Even more fascinating is to see a Chinese person actually writing these squiggly spidery characters on a piece of paper or on the whiteboard.  How did you ever learn to do that? I wanted to ask them. (Answer: 15 years of education, at home and in school).


Sunday/ Shenzhen shopping

Hey – I was not going to sit in the apartment in Dameisha today, so I got on the Sunday shopping van to Shenzhen with 3 other coworkers.

Pictures from top to bottom –

The store looks very respectable, but sells only knock-off watches.  I’m sporting a classic sqaure ‘Cartier’ I’ve seen many times in print ads in Time magazine.. nice enough for $40, not?  / Remember that the Chinese New Year is not yet here!  (second week in Feb) so the signs for a happy 2010 are all still up / Roasted duck in a Carrefour store – very good, we bought some /  The cute kid was playing with the live seafood in front of him : ), this is also in the Carrefour store (international French store chain, but they are not in the USA).

Saturday/ trip to Shenzhen

Five of us made another run into Shenzhen, and this time I saw a little more of the city than just Walmart.   Shenzhen -with a population of 12 million already! – is by some measures still the world’s fastest growing city.  There are brand-new buildings everywhere.   I saw ‘digital malls’ as they are called, a little grungy inside, but crammed with 150 cell-phone and gadget sellers.

Pictures from top to bottom (remember that double-clicking should display the picture a little bigger, to take a closer look):

Clusters of high-rise apartment buildings are everywhere in the city/ Our driver parked his van in front of the Casablanca Bar/ Unfortunately sights like these of historic Chinese architecture are very rare in Shenzhen/ One of the main streets downtown, sporting a Starbucks, a McDonalds and Coca-cola billboards, all with an Asian twist.  I love cultural west-meets-east confluences like these! /  My favorite sighting of the day : a colorful Lenovo truck with a cute African zebra saying ‘Let’s open happy’ ! .. it’s almost certainly going to make me buy a Lenovo notebook next.

Friday/ end of the week, at last

♥ Gelukkige verjaarsdag, mammie! ♥ Happy birthday, mom! ♥

This picture is a scene from out of the bus window I took on the way back to the apartment after work.  That’s a drug store on the right and the big old Buick emerging from the gate is the most popular luxury car in Chinese cities, I’m told – more so than Lexuses, Mercedeses and BMWs.   There are plenty of mopeds, motorcycles and bicycles on the road as well, and the buses and cars honk at them to say ‘Get out of the way!’ or ‘I’m on your left!’ .. we’re all glad we don’t have to drive here !

We have scheduled trips to Shenzhen for this weekend again, so I will report back on that.  Hopefully we will get to go to Hong Kong and even further afield on the Mainland once we have settled in a little better.

Thursday/ flat, on the floor

I have to submit a picture of a Chinese toilet – amazingly these are found even in the brand-new building we just moved into.   Mercifully each washroom has one western-style toilet as well.   Yay!   We didn’t have those in the building we started in the first week.  An interesting exercise it was to put your feet on the white footholds and squat to do the dirty deed !

Wednesday/ birthday cake!

The birthday cake for a team member was very nice! A very light cake with frosting and lots of fruit.
By the way : dessert for a Chinese meal is usually a fruit platter with melon and cantaloupe and the like, in lieu of ice cream, pie or pastries.

Let’s see: orange, strawberry, starfruit (carambola) on top, and the white fruit with the pink skin and the little black seeds in, is dragon fruit (pitaya).

Tuesday/ entrance 入口, and exit 出口

I’m learning a little bit more about the written Chinese language, a language of pictographs.  Many basic Chinese characters are in fact, highly stylized pictures of what they present.
Around 9 out of 10 characters is a combination of a ‘meaning’ element and a ‘sound’ element.
A contemporary Chinese person might know and use between 6,000 and 8,000 characters – but one can get by with as few as 2,000 or 3,000.

The two characters 入口 rù kǒu on the sign below stand for ‘entrance’. A depiction of a person that goes through a door, opening, gate.

‘Exit’ looks like this 出口 chū kǒu. That first character is a foot, coming out from an enclosure! The foot is leaving through a door, or gate.


Sunday/ McDonalds

We walked down to the beach where the area’s McDonalds is.  (There is also a KFC but no Starbucks).

My McDonalds breakfast consisted of orange juice, hash browns and a spicy grilled chicken McMuffin.

The Dameisha area has some very nice beaches, but it’s quiet at the moment since it’s winter and not tourist season.

Some of the buildings are really run-down or even deserted, others are brand new.   One gets the impression everywhere that construction happens in spasms and not always well-planned.