Saturday/ spring blossoms

This tree is on 16th Ave in Capitol Hill not far from my house and stands out on the street with its riot of blossoms.    Bulbs like daffodils are also popular in my neighborhood.

Monday/ blue skies

I was finally well enough today to venture out of the house, so I took my car for its Washington State-mandated emission test in South Seattle.  It passed again, ’96 model that it is, notwithstanding.     This white, red and blue sign of Franz Family Bakeries is close by on 6th Avenue South.  (They have been around since 1906).    I had the car window open and the wonderful smell of freshly-baked bread was in the air, and so I had to pull over and take a picture.

Monday/ posters at 11th and Pine

It’s time for taxes and I checked in with my tax adviser close to the corner of 11th Ave and Pine St today, and took these pictures afterward.   (Found a $39 parking ticket on my windshield when I got to my car even though I overstayed my paid time only by 15 mins.  I guess the City needs dollars$$ for the budget!).    I don’t know the name or year of construction of the white building, but it houses the Velo Bike Store.  It has empty spaces and is looking for more tenants.   (BTW the Seattle Bicycle Expo is next weekend).  The 12th and Pine corner of the brick building across from it is always plastered with posters, and I collected a few with my phone camera.  Two of them are very political since 1. the 8th anniversary of the start of the Iraq invasion is coming up and 2. Washington State has not yet legalized same-sex marriage (but the State does have an “everything-but-marriage” bill of rights which was signed into law in 2009, and which survived a referendum challenge in November of that year).


This picture was taken on the corner of Denny Way and Fairview Ave today.  The blue skies are reflected on the Olive 8 luxury hotel and condo tower downtown in the middle of the picture.    The website reports that floors 19 to 27 is sold out and that 15 units were sold since the start of the year albeit at a reduction of up to 40% below pre-sale prices in 2007. (Yikes).    Elsewhere, in Bloomberg Businessweek – it is reported that Seattle is at the top of the list of cities in the country where apartment rental rates have dropped (see below).

From Bloomberg Business Week article Feb 11, 2010 re: cities with the biggest drops in apartment rental rates

No. 1: Seattle-Bellevue-Everett, Wash.

Average monthly rent: $1,023
Annual drop: -13.8%
Q4 2009 drop: -3.5%

The Seattle area, home to companies that include Microsoft, T-Mobile, and Amazon, saw rent plummet as the unemployment rate rose to 9% (133,300 people) in December, from 6% a year earlier, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The vacancy rate in 2009 was 6.4%, up from 5% in 2008.

Friday/ around Capitol Hill

These pictures were all taken with my iPhone.     I’m still learning how to use it.  Today I discovered the zoom function is activated by brushing one’s finger across the bottom of the preview picture !  And my fat finger is in the way in the photo of Caffe Vita Coffeehouse’s neon sign.   (I had dinner earlier in the week next door at the gastropub* restaurant Quinn).    Neon signs and night scenes are tricky and the lighting has to be adjusted manually, something the phone camera cannot do.   But I had better luck with the Pilsner Urquell beer sign.   The two apartment buildings are on Denny Way.  I stayed for two years in the newer yellow and tan one when I first came to Seattle in 2000.     The Twice Sold Tales bookstore is just up the block from there.   And then on Broadway – as always when walking by – I checked on the progress of the construction of the Capitol Hill light rail train station.   There is a yellow-clad human figure on the left in the middle of the picture.

*term used in a review; I guess it means fancy pub food : )

Tuesday/ sunny but no snow in Seattle

The view from my front window upstairs early this morning : lots of sunshine but frost on the ground.    After some early snow in November we have been spared any more.  Today there is a massive snow-and-ice storm system moving over Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri (St Louis) and Illinois (Chicago) .. up to 20 inches expected in Chicago!   Of course Egypt is an even bigger story.   Friday when the religious services for the end of the week start is now seen by some as the big test for what the outcome of the protests will be.

Thursday/ sunny and cold downtown

Thursday was sunny but very cold, and today (Friday) is much the same.    The Space Needle picture is from across the barber where I had my hair cut (I’m looking west toward the mountains on the Olympics peninsula), the downtown picture from across Westlake Center (chess, anyone?) and the Olive 8 hotel-condominium tower is still waiting to be filled up.  ‘Recharge, reset, repriced’ said a billboard ad on a bus I saw a few days ago, but I think it’s still going to be a tough sell.   The chatter yesterday on CNBC was all about the real estate market which is still very weak with a lot of foreclosures expected for 2011.

Monday/ shopping

The stout-hearted* little fellow in Pacific Place Mall is advertising the Nutcracker ballet that is in town.   I bought a shirt at Nordstrom and was shocked to pay $9 for parking in the garage downstairs (that should teach me not to spend 2 hrs at the mall !).    The parking garage is in trouble financially, since its use fell by 18% over the last 5 years.   So : will hiking parking prices help?  A tough call.

*Google’s translation of the Afrikaans word kordaat which I struggled to translate to English

The other picture is from Broadway’s new Panera Bread next to the Seattle Community College (I recommend their turkey and artichoke panini sandwich).   I bought some Sumi ink, brushes and paper at the Blick art store next to it – to try my hand at brush-writing in traditional Chinese.   Of course I will have to report how that goes.

Saturday/ Capitol Hill walk

It’s Christmas Day, but that doesn’t mean we all have to stay inside, right?  The streets were very quiet, but I still got some worthwhile pictures on my Capitol Hill walk.

1.  As far as I can tell the car is a Pontiac Silver Streak from 1948 or so;  2. The T-Rex is terrifying the humans, but it’s a tall tale at the Twice Sold Tales bookshop : there is no fossil evidence that dinosaurs and humans co-existed on earth; 3. Bottle-cap artwork at the construction site of the Capitol Hill Light Rail station (Jim Morrison of The Doors?);  4.  The digging for the station looks like it’s now 5 or 6 stories deep (see the faint yellow backhoes or scrapers far down?;  5.  Mr Squirrel was stealing bird seed.

Thursday/ a new bank for Seattle

Here’s a nice bit of artwork on a card that arrived in the mail to introduce Seattle residents to Umpqua bank.   Click it to enlarge it.  They got most of Seattle’s icons in : salmon, kayaking, sailing, a few Boeings, Pike Place Market, a woman holding an umbrella, the Pink Elephant carwash sign (see it?), the Space Needle (OF COURSE) – but how about a coffee bean or the Starbucks lady? Speaking of the Pink Elephant carwash sign – I need to go and buy myself a proper tripod for night photography for once and for all and go shoot the pink neon of the elephant next week when I have a little time.

I dialed into the China conference call again today and they all yelled ‘Merry Christmas! for the Americans on the call’ and giggled.

Tuesday/ snow in Seattle

Here is a picture of my house in Seattle (thanks for sending it, Bryan !).   The snow drifts on the roof is something I have not seen before with snow there.   I am sure the beautiful blue sky means the temperatures dropped to well below freezing at night time !  

Saturday/ rain

Lots of rain !  My neighbor put the lights up in the tree on the sidewalk, the way he always does this time of year, and it brings some nice cheer to the darkness that descends on us already by 5 pm.  I’m starting to put my clothes out for my upcoming trip to South Africa on Monday.

Thursday/ time in high places

These clocks indicating the time at some rugged landmarks in the world are at the Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI) store, a store that sells gear and equipment for the Great Outdoors.

  • Lava Falls, Colorado River, Grand Canyon, USA
  • North Face of Eiger, Jungfrau Region, Swiss Alps, Elev. 3970m
  • Denali, Alaska, USA, Elev. 6194 m
  • Mt. Everest, Nepal, Elev. 8848m
  • Mt. Rainier, Washington, USA, Elev. 4392 m
  • Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia, Coral Sea
  • Mt Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, East Africa, Elev. 5895m
  • Vinson Massif, Antarctica, Elev. 5140m
  • China Bowl, Vail Mountain, Vail, Colorado USA

It was a beautiful blue sky day with perfect temperatures, as the second picture shows.   That’s the Space Needle in the distance, between the office buildings outside the REI store in Seattle’s South Lake Union area.

Wednesday/ NO to new taxes!

Our Democratic Senator in Washington State will survive this election, it looks like.   Washington State voters said no no NO to State Income Tax Initiative 1098 (about 65% to 35%).    We said no to private stores selling hard liquor (state-owned stores will continue selling it).   We repealed a tax on certain grocery items such as soda.   We approved a measure that requires a 2/3 majority in the State legislature to increase taxes.  Soo .. how to close the $5 billion shortfall during the remainder of the 2009-11 budget period? Washington state will spend about $74.8 billion in this time to provide programs and services to citizens.   Looks like there will be fewer policemen, higher tuition fees, less health care for state employees, higher public transport fares.    Something’s got to give.

Here are the sources of the State’s money –


.. and here is how the money is spent.


What happened elsewhere?  Too many results to list but here are some others ..  Meg Whitman ex-CEO of Ebay lost the California Governor’s race against Jerry Brown along with $160 million of her own money spent on her campaign. (Yes, it’s a record amount).  Californians nixed Proposition 19 that would have legalized marijuana.  Harry Reid, Senate majority leader won against a Tea Party upstart.

Saturday/ All Saints Spitalfields

What on earth are those things in that storefront window?, I thought- and discovered it was a huge collection of vintage sewing machines for the new AllSaints Spitalfields clothing store in downtown Seattle – a British ‘High Street’ retailer which produces clothing aimed towards a younger clientele. (I didn’t go into the store tonight but I want to go back and take a look).  AllSaints name refers in part to 60’s TV icon Simon Templar, aka The Saint – and in part to All Saints Road, in Nottinghill, notorious for its artistic and musical associations.

Friday/ leaves and lizards

The three pictures were all taken within a few blocks around my house around 5 pm today.  The interlocking lizard pavement is at the St Joseph School close by.  It is no doubt inspired by the drawing called ‘Reptiles (1943)’ of the Dutch graphic artist M.C. Escher.  (It’s a coincidence that I had to post more of his artwork, so soon after the one called ‘Three Worlds’ from a few days ago).

Wednesday/ downtown Seattle

I went out for a walk-about over lunch, walked over to the King County Administration building to make a property tax payment (ouch! it dented my bank account).  The next picture is the Seattle Library, and then the Columbia tower from the corner of Cherry St and 5th Ave.   ‘A Christmas Story’ is showing at 5th Avenue Theatre (is not a little early?).

The last picture was taken from the 19th floor of my office building just before I left, showing the ferry from Bainbridge Island steaming in.


Sunday/ remodeled Starbucks

The remodeled Starbucks on Olive Way opens at 5 am Monday morning.  I like the red-brick and black color scheme.   I will not be there at 5am! (yikes), but I will go there later.  It was another clear and cool day and the night temperature will dip down to 42 F (5 C).

Saturday/ ready to vote

I have my mail-in ballot, my voters’ pamphlet and my post card urging me to vote.  Here in Washington state we have a record number of initiatives on the ballot and I will dedicate another post to what they are.     One of our incumbent senators is up against a Republican in a close race, too.