Thursday/ beautiful inside 🇺

It was my last day in Munich, and I ran out to Marienplatz one more time with the streetcar.
It was just about noon, and the glockenspiel* on the townhall’s clock tower played to a smattering of on-lookers that risked getting frostbite on their fingertips as they held up their phones to record a video of it. (I was one of them).
From Marienplatz I went to a few beautiful U-bahn stations on the U1 line to take pictures.

*The Rathaus-Glockenspiel is a large mechanical clock located in Marienplatz square, in old town Munich. Famous for its life-size characters, the clock twice daily re-enacts scenes from Munich’s history.

Here is a jousting scene depicted by the glockenspiel. One of the knights was mortally injured, and falls backward on the horse.
These enormous and dramatic lamp scones are at Westfriedhof on the U1 line.
Here’s a red one.
And I made this yellow one appear to sit on top of the SOS pillar.
On the far end of the U1 line is the Olympia-Einkaufszentrum station. There are huge metal studs that line the wall, creating a spaceship-futuristic look.
Nearby, and also on the U1 line, is Oberwiesenfeld station with a black and white tile pattern on the one side ..
.. and burnt orange on the other.
Candidplatz on the south end of the U1 line is painted in the colors of the rainbow.

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