Friday/ Point No Point

We stopped by Point No Point in Hansville on Friday morning, before catching the Bainbridge ferry back to Seattle.  Point No Point was named as such by Charles Wilkes during the United States Exploring Expedition of Puget Sound in 1841.  (It does not appear to stick out from the surrounding land mass from a distance).

Clockwise: 1. There was a very low tide in Hood Canal on Friday morning, exposing the eel grass* (I think?) in the shallow sub-tidal waters.  *Eel grass is not a seaweed; it is a blooming underwater grass which spreads by rhizomes or roots.  2. The Point No Point lighthouse contains a low-maintenance, post-mounted, rotating beacon.  3. Point ‘No Point’ is on the northern tip of Kitsap Peninsula.  4. The Hood Canal bridge close by, is a long floating bridge. The original bridge sank in 1979 during a wind storm, but was replaced by a new one by 1982.
We spotted these American Indian rowers coming around Point No Point on Friday morning. In summertime, youths use traditional canoes and oars to row across parts of Puget Sound from one Indian reservation to another. The dinghy (bottom picture) provides support and assistance in case they need help. The tribe in the bottom picture is the Nisqually Tribe; I could not find the name of the tribe in the top picture, in spite of the lettering on the canoe.
I think this is a Douglas squirrel (Tamiasciurus douglasii)  – also called a ‘brown squirrel’ – by Paul’s house in Hansville.  I like their brown color and golden bellies. The ones we have in the city are Western gray squirrels (Sciurus griseus): bigger, and more aggressive.

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