The No 10 bus that I am on, is taking me to the Capitol Hill train station. The bus looks like the one in the picture. (It’s an ‘all-electric trolley bus’).Here’s Capitol Hill train station, with a southbound train on the left and a northbound train on the right. (I’m about to get onto the southbound one to the airport).
Hey! I took the early evening flight out to San Francisco today, and could take the light rail train from my Capitol Hill neighborhood to the airport.
We had just landed at San Francisco airport. Here’s a London-bound British Air 747 at the gate, and in the distance with the striped tail-fin is an Air France jetliner.
Alas, when I had arrived at San Francisco airport, it was the end of public transportation. I rented a car, since there is no easy way to get from my hotel to the project office.