Saturday (Seattle time)/ arrived

I made it in .. was a little tired and uncomfortable during the flight, but Lufthansa took good care of us.  Great food, on-time and good service.

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The view from my seat at 8 am at the gate at Munich airport, getting ready for the short 35 min in-the-air hop to Frankfurt.
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We have arrived at Frankfurt, and it’s a short connection time, so I have to run for the gate in Terminal Z. ‘NO eating, NO shopping, just go to the gate!, said the agent at the check-in in Munich.
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Aww .. I still had time to snap this picture in Frankfurt airport, asking arriving tourists (like me from Africa?) to please NOT buy and bring animal souvenir products (or live animals?) back from vacation.


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We’re now taken to the plane at Frankfurt airport, one of those in the distance. The bus driver has a touch screen that says ‘Left the gate’ and ‘Arrived at airplane’ that he punches status updates into.
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Here’s today’s engine picture (Airbus twinjet A330-300). We’re over Canada’s frozen Northwest Territories here, en route to Seattle.

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