Sunday/ checking in at REI

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I love this woolly mammoth logo from the Mammut brand.

It’s been awhile since I stopped by the flagship REI store (Recreational Equipment Inc.) here in Seattle.  I need new gloves and was looking for a jacket for wearing in Denver. The Hilton Garden Inn is much further from the office, and a 15 to 20 minute walk.  Indeed, there were forests of ski jackets to wade through, with inner layers and outer layers and Gore-Tex and all .. but they all seemed a little too much, and too colorful, too sporty to wear as an outer layer for an office job.   So I will keep looking.   The departments stores are sure to offer blander jackets and coats.  It’s just that the Christmas season onslaught of music and displays and the Salvation Army jingling their bell all day long outside the Pacific Place mall have now started.

11-25-2013 12-23-57 PM
Here’s the web site for Kühl’s (a play on the word cool?) jackets that I saw at REI. And no, that’s not the Jungfrau summit in the Alps, it’s the Wasatch mountains in the Salt Lake City area, and the jackets are actually a Peruvian-inspired design, says the website.


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