Monday/ Day 1 👩🏽

Kamala Harris speaking at her first campaign event at the Democratic campaign’s headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware. President Biden (still recovering from COVID-19), called in.
[From the New York Times online]
The Associated Press reported late today that Harris had secured the backing of more than the 1,976 delegates needed to capture the nomination in the first round of voting.
On Day 1 of her campaign, she drew endorsements from her final possible rivals, hauled in record sums of cash and attacked Donald Trump.

Should the Democrats have spent more time and effort to hold a mini primary, or townhalls, or debates, to encourage challengers to Kamala* Harris to step forward? Probably not.
*Pronounce comma-la as in ,-la

Says Lydia Polgreen from the NYT:
I think Harris will be fine. We are all overestimating Trump’s strength. Our colleague Jamelle Bouie has been saying for a while that the vibe feels very 2016, with the soothing sense of inevitability on the G.O.P. side rather than the Democratic side. I agree. I think there is a tremendous amount of enthusiasm for anyone but Biden or Trump, and it might matter a lot less than we think who the person who stands in is.

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