I believe this is a flea, and not an alien! (sticker on the window). ‘Flea market’ is a literal translation of the French “marché aux puces” (an outdoor bazaar in Paris, France), named after those pesky little parasites of the order Siphonaptera that like to infest the upholstery of old furniture and rugs brought out for sale.
The long-abandoned grocery store building on 15th Ave East here in Capitol Hill will host a flea market the weekend after next.
This building will be demolished in another year or two, three— to make way for a proposed 6-story, 172-unit apartment building with retail stores.
The little parking lot is now open daily, but the flea market will only be open on one Saturday and one Sunday, and I guess that’s it. Maybe the market will be held here again later this summer.‘Quality Flea’ says the storefront wall and canopy.A poster in the window.