Friday/ my vote is in 📬

Happy Friday.
Time marches on for 2024, and my vote for the Washington State Presidential Primary election is in the mail.
I voted for Biden.
For me as a 2024 Democrat, it is unthinkable to vote for an independent or a  Republican candidate.
That said, the primary election ballot has an ‘Uncommitted’ option on the Democratic side, and some Democrats tick this box to protest against Biden for not opposing the Israel response to the Hamas terrorist attacks more fiercely.

This political cartoon by Thomas Nast, taken from a 1879 edition of Harper’s Weekly, was an early use of the elephant and the donkey to symbolize the Republican and Democratic parties.
[Kean Collection/Archive Photos/Getty Images]
My voters’ pamphlet has pictures and profiles of all the Democratic and Republican candidates. Most of the candidates have dropped out already, even though we only have primary election results for 6 states.

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