Monday/ the snail ๐ŸŒ mail is here

Some days there is no mail, some days only junk mail,
and then on other days everything I had waited for seems to arrive at once.
None of todayโ€™s mail had any stamps on.

Letโ€™s see what we have, from the top to the bottom:
1. Envelope with a cardboard in, protecting the stamps I had bought from a seller in Poland, sent on Apr. 18;
2. A street parking permit for my guests, from the City of Seattle, sent on Apr. 28;
3. A letter from a financial institution in South Africa confirming that they had moved my funds as requested. The letter inside is dated Jan. 4, 2023 (so the cool โ€˜By Airmail Priority sticker means nothing, but hey,  at least the letter arrived, right?);
4. Airmail from the UK (more stamps inside- yes!), sent on Apr. 17.

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