Monday/ the snail 🐌 mail is here

Some days there is no mail, some days only junk mail,
and then on other days everything I had waited for seems to arrive at once.
None of today’s mail had any stamps on.

Let’s see what we have, from the top to the bottom:
1. Envelope with a cardboard in, protecting the stamps I had bought from a seller in Poland, sent on Apr. 18;
2. A street parking permit for my guests, from the City of Seattle, sent on Apr. 28;
3. A letter from a financial institution in South Africa confirming that they had moved my funds as requested. The letter inside is dated Jan. 4, 2023 (so the cool ‘By Airmail Priority sticker means nothing, but hey,  at least the letter arrived, right?);
4. Airmail from the UK (more stamps inside- yes!), sent on Apr. 17.

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