Wednesday/ monitoring the pandemic

We still have 60 million unvaccinated Americans that qualify for the vaccine, which is free, and widely available.

The 7-day average for the number of new Covid-19 cases is 87,000 (16% up in one week). Dr. Fauci said today that it needs to be well under 10,000 per day, before one can declare that the pandemic is under control in the United States. Asked when that would be, he said it’s impossible to know.

Cases gave gone up in 12 states the last two weeks. (Washington State is one of them. Seattle and King County is doing better than most other counties in the state).

Infographic from the Washington Post. Yes, cases have come down from that latest peak, but have now stalled at a high plateau. I would not have thought that we would still have 1,100 deaths every day, at this point in the pandemic.


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