Two patients in South Carolina with no connection to each other, and with no history of travel, have been found to be infected with the South African variant, 501Y.V2. Then there is the United Kingdom variant, also known as B117, which could be dominant in the United States by March, say Dr Fauci and others.
In spite of this, Seattle, with surrounding King County, is once again allowed to loosen restrictions from Monday (25% indoor dining, 25% gym capacity, 5 persons from two households, blah blah blah). Small businesses want to reopen, and people need to work.
None of this makes any difference to my daily routine. I’m not going anywhere.
When will I get my vaccine? is all I want to know.
Shots are in very short supply — and I don’t qualify for one at this point, anyway.

[Cartoon by Klaus Stuttmann in German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel]