Here are my (amateur quality) pictures I took of tonight’s super blood wolf moon* as it went into eclipse. It’s the first total lunar eclipse visible across the entire United States in eight years.
*Super because it appears about 10% bigger than it really is; blood because of its coppery color (red light from the sun bent around Earth, reaching it); wolf because it is the first full moon of the calendar year.
From left to right: 6.34 pm Full moon | 7.46 pm Start of the eclipse | 8.18 pm Three-quarters eclipsed | 8.33 pm Eclipse almost complete with red/ copper color showing (all times Pacific Standard Time).The moon spent some 3 hrs in Earth’s shadow. The diagram below left shows the refraction of the sunlight as it hits Earth’s atmosphere, that results in the red coloring of the moon. [Source: NRC Handelsblad newspaper 19/1/ 2019]