Special Investigator Robert Mueller has so far unsealed over 100 criminal charges against 19 people (13 are Russians).
Just today, Rick Gates (age 45), Trump’s deputy campaign manager in 2016-17, pleaded guilty to conspiracy against the United States, and to lying to FBI investigators.

Additional charges were also brought today against Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager for a few months in 2016. Manafort (age 68) now faces dozens of counts of money laundering* and bank fraud charges. He maintains his innocence (good luck with that). *We’re talking tens of millions of dollars here.
The most tantalizing questions remain.
Why did Trump fire FBI Director James Comey in May 2017?
Why did Trump lie about Don Jr’s meeting with the Russians in June 2016?
Why does the FBI refuse to give son-in-law Jared Kushner a security clearance? Why has Trump still not implemented the bipartisan congressional Russia sanctions, passed over six months ago?