I missed my connection to Seattle. We left Frankfurt way too late. High gusting winds (across Europe today), delayed our departure by 50 minutes. Then upon arriving at Heathrow’s Terminal 5, we spent another 20 agonizing minutes on the tarmac, waiting for a gate to open.
As soon as I got off the plane, I made a run for it. There was still 10 minutes to spare to the Seattle departure time, but no-no-NO! – not enough time, they said at the security check point, stopping me. (Why is there another security checkpoint for connecting passengers? Maybe it’s a United States destination thing only.)
So now I stood in line at the British Airways counter for 40 minutes. Re-booked my ticket to Thursday. Exiting through passport control took even longer. One ‘crosses’ the UK Border into the UK (big bold letters at passport control). By the time I made it to the airport hotel it was four hours later. But hey! Today is done, tomorrow is another day, and I will have another shot at making it home.