It is by now very clear that there were extensive connections between the Trump campaign and the Russians. One connection was with none other than Vladimir Putin’s ‘fixer’: his right hand man that is so close to Putin, that Putin is his daughter’s godfather. Check out the headlines below from inside an article from the ‘explain-the-news’ website
Even if Trump is not eventually impeached, nor some of his staff indicted, I cannot see how the Trump presidency can accomplish anything. There is a deafening silence from the Republican leadership in congress. The White House or Trump cannot explain away hard evidence. (Nonetheless: in his trade-mark over-the-top hyperbole, Trump called the investigations today the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history, and in another tweet, said With all of the illegal acts that took place in the Clinton campaign & Obama Administration, there was never a special counsel appointed!).
From : The past 24 hours of devastating Trump news, explained
– Robert Mueller was selected as the special counsel (for the Russia investigation)
– Trump’s team knew Michael Flynn was under FBI investigation (when he was appointed National Security Advisor)
– Trump shared top secret intelligence from Israel’s best anti-ISIS spy with the Russians
– In 2016, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Putin was paying Trump
– The Trump campaign didn’t disclose at least 18 contacts with Russian officials