News broke today of 1. two Trump White House officials that meddled with the House investigation into Russian agents’ involvement in the 2016 US Election (and if they were aided by the Trump 2016 campaign) and 2. that ousted ex-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn ‘has a story to tell’ but will only do so in exchange for immunity.
This is on top of the usual dose of offensive and angering new actions from the Trump ‘Administration’* : now allowing ISPs to sell users’ browsing history for profit; stripping government funding from important health-care provided by Planned Parenthood clinics; approving the use of a pesticide in agriculture (linked to brain damage and previously banned); appointing family and in-laws to White House positions; reports that the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy is now virtually empty (it has just one guy working there).
*An oxymoron, since they are not ‘administering’ anything. They’re dismantling just about everything that had been put into place that look out for the interests of citizens, in favor of special interest groups and billionaires (read: Carl Icahn).