I finally studied my Zurich street car (tram) map properly – so that I did not have to log 7 miles of walking again on Wednesday! The day’s ‘mission’ also was to get a full set of Swiss Franc coins (I love shiny coins), and just to track down a few other places I could not get to on Tuesday.
This is a little square called Paradeplatz. The building on the left is filled with Credit Suisse offices, and the building on the right has a Hermes store at the ground floor, and a beautiful golden balcony rail at the top.Here’s the entrance to the Swiss National Bank building. They did not sell Swiss coin sets (and the Swiss Mint is in Bern), but the teller was nice enough to change my 20 Franc note into relatively new coins of each denomination.Here’s a few Swiss Franc banknotes and the Swiss Franc coins. The Swiss Franc (SFr.) is just about on par with the US dollar, in value. There is also a SFr. 200 and SFr. 1,000 note. (Would love to get my grubby paws on a stash of SFr. 1,000s to admire! – but my last name is not Rockefeller). The SFr. 50 bill is new, the first of the 9th series of Swiss notes, and said to be the world’s most secure note, with 18 security features. There is no Swiss ‘penny’. (Should the US Federal Reserve take notes? Do away with the US penny, and maybe with the US dollar note as well?).There seems to be a chocolate store on every block in the city of Zurich. This one sells a dozen different kinds of ‘schokolade spröde’ (chocolate sheets). The light brown one in the middle has almonds in.Can life get possibly any sweeter than this little tray of chocolate, custard and jam cookies? This is from the fancy Jelmoli department store on Bahnhofstrasse.The museum for the day that I wanted to go to was the Museum für Gestaltung (Museum of Design), but it unfortunately it was closed for renovation until May. These posters are from the little park across from the Museum.All the street cars (trams) I have seen here in Zurich look like these ones .. two to four cars are connected, and they come by every 10 minutes. Motor cars seem to stay mostly out of the tram lanes, but on occasion they do use it.