America’s National Security Advisor Michael Flynn that I wrote about on Friday, is out. He resigned late Monday night after 24 days on the job. (Henry Kissinger served for 2,478 days under the Nixon and Ford Administrations. (Source : Wikipedia).
Flynn should never have been appointed in the first place. It’s not an easy job. The advisor should serve as an honest broker of policy options for the President in the field of national security, rather than as an advocate for his or her own policy agenda (from Wikipedia). It goes without saying, that he should not lie to the Vice-President and others in the Administration. (Right now it is unknown at what time and what President Trump had known about all of Flynn’s Russia dealings).
Meanwhile, there was Friday’s North Korean missile test, which could start the first international crisis of the Trump administration. Trump’s aides briefed him on the matter in front of paying Mar-A-Lago club members (where he and Japan Prime Minister Shinzō Abe were having dinner). New US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said on Monday : ‘It’s time to hold North Korea accountable, not with our words, but with our actions.’ She did not specify what those actions may be.