Thursday/ Flinders peninsula

A whaling station was located at Discovery Bay on Flinders Peninsula, and was operated on and off from the early 1800s to 1978, when it was finally closed down. The two main species of whale hunted were the Southern Right Whale and the Humpback Whale.
A whaling ship is part of the historic whaling station display (the busy background interferes a little with the image of the ship).
Man! Watch out!  Lots of calamities that can befall the careless explorer of the cliffs and coastline around the peninsula (check out the pictures).

We drove out to Flinders Peninsula on the King George Sound today, and stopped by a historic whaling station (now a museum), and the coastline on the oceanside of King George Sound.

This view of the Southern Ocean from the view point called ‘Blow Holes’ on peninsula.  Sea caves form in the rocks, which result in blasts of water from the top of the opening.  We did not see much of that today, though.   Maybe the tide was low.   

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