Wednesday/ the Beach Blanket Babylon

A little map from my Uber receipt. The theater is at the green dot and my hotel is at the red. Sometimes it’s just easier and quicker to summon an Uber car to take you from A to B !

The Beach Blanket Babylon is an over-the-top, musical comedy show. Its home is the Fugazi theater in North Beach (adjacent to the Fisherman’s Wharf). We went out to our end-of-project/ end-of-year team dinner tonight, and then to the theater.

Since it is almost Christmas, they added in a Santa Claus, and Christmas tree characters to towards the end of the show.

An internet picture of the inside of the Beach Blanket Babylon theater.
From the theater brochure, picture taken two years ago in SF City Hall (no pictures were allowed in the theater!). Throughout the show, the cast of characters are decked out in costumes with outrageous headgear and hats.  T he grand finale of the show has one of the main characters come out with a feather boa hat with the entire ‘City of San Francisco’ decked out on it.  Yowza!  How’s that, for a hat?!

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