Posted on October 11, 2016March 2, 2018 by WillemTuesday/ Mission Street Here are some interesting sights from Mission Street in downtown San Francisco. The Salesforce Tower construction continues nicely, from the looks of it about halfway done to the top (building with blue covers in the middle; will have 61 floors when done). The building with the modern prism-like architecture on the left of it is 535 Mission Street. It has 27 floors and opened in 2014. This People Tower is by artist Jonathan Borofsky, and is on the plaza at 555 Mission Street, in front of the Deloitte Consulting firm’s San Francisco office. (For my Seattle readers: Borofsky also created the giant black Hammering Man that is in front of the Seattle Art Museum). The odd little head sculpture in front of the ivy wall is by Ugo Rondinone. Here is Salesforce West, around the corner from the new Salesforce Tower, a 1985 building. Look at the ‘waterfalls’ in the lobby inside. It’s not real water, but giant LCD panels that go from black and ‘water’ starting to flow, up to full-on ‘waterfalls’ cascading down the wall.