Thursday/ you can never leave

(Yes, that’s a ‘Hotel California’ reference).  Our Alaska Airlines ‘bird’ had a broken part last night, and the ground crew proceeded to tell us the flight was delayed from 4.00 pm to 4.30, then to 5.00, then to 7.00, then to 9.00, 9.30, and come 9.30, one more delay to 10.30. Several other flights to Seattle and Portland had already taken off by that time.  We finally boarded at 10.45, wheels up at 11.00 and arrived in Seattle at 1.00 am.  The veteran flyers all agreed that this was very unusual, and that they should have probably canceled the flight altogether by early evening.  But with all the airplanes completely full for the morning with the 4th of July holiday weekend upon us, I guess there was no spare plane available, even on Friday morning.  Anyway : made it home safe, even though it took a little longer than usual, is that not right?  Then the delay really does not matter much.

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The Qantas Airlines 747 parked on the tarmac at SFO’s International Terminal. In the background there is a little (by comparison) 737 from Alaska Airlines.
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That’s Emirates Airlines on the far right; eventually it would leave for Dubai. The plane in the center is from tiny French airline XL Airways. (Only 7 planes in their fleet).
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This Virgin Atlantic (I think it’s a 777), is heading out to London Heathrow. I resisted the temptation to inquire from some of the passengers what they thought of the Brexit vote!
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.. and here’s a British Airways Airbus A380 heading out to take off over San Francisco Bay in the background. It is also headed for London Heathrow. Reports in the press are now starting to appear, that says that Airbus may stop making the A380. Forbes on June 6 : ‘Airbus A380: The Death Watch Begins’.

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