So there it is : the Denver Broncos surprising the pundits, and the North Carolina Panthers, with a 24-10 win. For me, the half-time show with Coldplay (and Beyonce and Bruno Mars) was definitely a highlight. And the Jeep commercial made me cry.
P.S. The Denver Broncos are from the old American Football League. So if the Superbowl Indicator is to be believed, we are likely in for a declining stock market for the coming year! .. but fortunately, as Investopedia points out, correlation does not mean causation.
Here is the Levi’s Stadium packed with the fans, and check out the nod to the Golden Gate Bridge and the iconic triangular TransAmerica building, in the gold outside the Pepsi logo.Psychedelic colors on the stage – which is really a giant display screen. That’s the band Coldplay on the stage and lead singer Chris Martin on the white splash.Chris Martin joined by Beyonce and Bruno Mars.Believe in Love .. my, my : is this the 70s or this 2016? (Just sayting; I like the message). Some commentators noted that the black leather get-up of Beyonce and Bruno Mars collided with the rainbow colors from Coldplay. I think it didn’t matter, and I liked the half-time show a lot.