Thursday/ more Embarcadero

I found myself spending the last hours of this week’s trip in the Embarcadero again, to attend a meeting.  Afterwards I had to run out and take BART to the airport, but managed to snap a few pictures (of course).

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I’m standing on the corner of Mission and Fremont St. The building across the block is 100 1st St and belongs to the University of San Francisco. Built as recently in 1988, I see it has a ‘postmodern’ style (which is hard to explain, even after reading up about it!).  The blue billboard in the middle quotes Steve Jobs : ‘If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.’
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And here is a brand new building going up right there at the same street corner, for the global cloud-computing company called They are somewhat of a competitor to SAP and as with SAP, whole consulting practices have sprung up, dedicated to help big companies implement their software.

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