Saturday/ connecting in Frankfurt

It’s 7 am here in Frankfurt.  We arrived an hour ago from Johannesburg, at 6 am.  The Germans run a sharp operation here (of course), with everyone at the airport at their posts  this early in the morning, and most of the duty-free stores and others open as well.

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This is still in Cape Town late Friday afternoon; I’m stepping onto the Boeing 737-800 twin-jet that took us to Johannesburg.   It’s unusual to have the airline’s URL painted right onto the fuselage, but South African Airways has done that :  the big red letters say
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This giant Lufthansa mobile is in Frankfurt airport’s Z concourse. Look for the Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal, the Statue of Liberty, the Brussels Atomium, the Burj Al Arab (Dubai Sail building) and even the Seattle Space Needle.
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All I had time for in Johannesburg was snap a few pictures of the African souvenirs for sale. A gaggle of Ndebele beaded dolls in the window at Johannesburg airport (saying good-bye?).


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These masks must be from West Africa; we don’t make them in South Africa.

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