The Life of Pi is showing in the USA and a group of us went to see it in 3-D here in Seattle. (For the mathematicians : yes, Pi as in the mathematical constant. I loved the scene where the boy writes out Pi to hundreds of decimal places from memory. Maybe a nod to India’s proud history in contributing to mathematics?). It’s a spectacular film, and I liked it a lot. If one didn’t know, one would never say the tiger is almost all ultra high-tech computer graphics technology. (In only a very few scenes – such as the tiger swimming in the water – was a real tiger used). The Pacific Ocean is a terrifying tsunami-wave storm at times, and has a sheer mirror-pond surface at others. The story is full of metaphors and layers. I would say it asks of the reader or the movie-goer ‘What is your story?’ ‘What do you believe?’ ‘What lets you survive?’.