Thursday/ in Bangkok

Since we saw lots of temples and buddhas on Wednesday, we spent some time at the hotel’s swimming pool.    The first picture shows some of the Marriott hotel property on the left with the water taxi on the Chao Phraya river (Thai: แม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา).   The Chao Praya is a major river in Thailand and it ends in the Gulf of Siam.

On the other side of the river we tuk (took) a tuk-tuk to downtown.  The picture is taken from the one we are on, and our tuk-tuk is similar to the green one with the poor mascot dangling from the rear bumper – see it?  (A roughish ride it is with limited side vision out from under the canopy!)

The evening show with traditional folk dancing and costume was put up right at the hotel later that night.   Another trip out on the water showed what the river and some city skylines look like at night.  Bangkok does not have a city center with clustered skyscrapers.  The tall buildings stand apart.

One Reply to “Thursday/ in Bangkok”

  1. Hallo Willem, Joe, dis darem ‘n interessante lewe wat jy deesdae het en ek wens ek kon ooit Bangkok gesien het. Gaan jy nog Angkor Wat ook besoek? Ek glo jou werk het ook sy nadele maar die voordele om ‘n kultuur waarvan ons geen begrip het nie, mee te kan kennis maak, is voorwaar ‘n wonderlike geleentheid. Geniet elke oomblik en ek is bly om te sien dat jy soveel as moontlik van die geleenthede wat daar is, gebruik maak. Gelukkig kom die einde van die jaar vakansie vir jou nou ook nader! Mooi bly en lekker werk. Liefde

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