The company coach bus picked us up at 8am and we made our way to Taishan in western Guangdong province. It is the site of 2 new nuclear reactors for which construction started in Nov 2009. The units will each have a maximum capacity of 1,750 MW and is a third generation pressurized water reactor (PWR) design called EPR for European Pressurized Reactor, or CEPR which stands for China European Pressurized Reactor. Two other units currently under construction, one in Finland and one in France, are both facing costly construction delays.
Here is a link with more information
Pictures from the top down : Typical road-side scenery- these are fish farms with aerators for the water; we encountered several large suspension bridges since we had to cross Shenzhen and the Pearl River delta from east to west; a model of the new nuclear reactors. The shell is a double layer. The black cylinders contain the nuclear fuel. Behind me is the construction site. There will eventually be six reactors lined up alongside the hillside. The first two are slated for a 2014 start-up.