It is barely Wednesday here at 12.48 am but I’m taking a break from work. Yes .. my days here in Seattle from China have morphed into 2 hr or 4 hr sessions of work, sleep or something else around the clock. I do try to make it to bed by 2 am and then I sleep in a little. Like my pose on my back deck? I just swept it. (And is my hair really so grey? Must be the project. I’m starting to look like Anderson Cooper from CNN. He has a full head of white hair). The laurel hedge behind me has been trimmed back well clear of the phone line coming into the house by my contractor-friend Paul, so I don’t have to worry about it interfering with the lines for at least a few years.
There is word today from China’s Qinghai province of a 6.9 earthquake, loss of several hundred lives reported so far. : ( It’s far from where we work in Guangdong province in the far south east of the country.