Sunday/ a run up to U-district 🚇

I put on my extra jacket, my scarf, my gloves and my skullcap as I headed out of the house today.  It was actually semi-decent outside, with 47 °F /8 °C.

At the Capitol Hill train station, I put my mask on as well. A severe flu season is underway here in the US.
At the second-hand book store in U-district, I bought a book about the greatest unsolved problem in mathematics: The Riemann Hypothesis.

At Capitol Hill station. Link light rail service from Capitol Hill to SoDo Station was suspended for the weekend (to do maintenance work). So we had the weird situation of the train coming in from Northgate, and then departing in the opposite direction, back to Northgate.
U-district, at 43rd Ave & University Way NE. The sun is gone well before 5 pm these days, and the little festive lights help to bring some cheer to the darkness that falls.

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