There is a lot of excitement here in Capitol Hill today with two new light rail stations opening : one here in my Capitol Hill neighborhood, and one more at the football stadium of the University of Washington. My friend Bryan and I did a round trip from Capitol Hill Station up to the University of Washington, down to Westlake in downtown Seattle, and back up again to Capitol Hill. I was going to say the project came in 6 months early and $200 million under budget, but I see that comes with a big asterisk. The original schedule and budget that voters had approved in way back in 1996, called for a $1.8 billion light rail line from the airport to the U-district, opening in 2006. Instead, $2.3 billion was spent on a light rail line from the airport to Westlake Station (completed in 2009). This extension cost an additional $1.8 billion. I guess it is this part that came in under budget.