Thursday/ arrival in Munich

I arrived in Munich.  The Marriott hotel by the main train station did have a room for me for an early check-in at 8.00 am in the morning.  So I had my European shower (the kind where you are very careful not to spray water all over the floor, because for some mysterious reason the showers all over Europe only have half bath-length and open-ended partitions.  (But it’s not a complaint, just an observation).

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It’s 7.00 am in Munich, and we have just stepped off the plane.  The sections We walked through to get to the baggage claim is brand new : glass, steel and LED lighting.
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Hackenbrucke station is on the S1 bahn (line) to Munich’s main station. That’s Ben Stiller in the flick ‘The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ on the poster.  The train that I’m sitting in looks just like this one.
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Here is the Munich Hauptbahnhof (main train station). The sign looks old. There is a lot of construction and remodeling going on; who knows if this sign will survive that.

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