Wednesday/ Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! A good thing I stocked up on candy to hand out, because my doorbell rang numerous times tonight with trick-and-treaters.   Lucky for them, there was a break in the rain.

This is Google’s Halloween home page. Clever, the way the G o o g l e letters are hidden in the picture. I had to click on the haunted house’s doors to make them creak open and show the spooky letter-creatures inside.
And here is a house a few blocks away that lent itself well to Halloween decorations .. very spooky!


Tuesday/ the storm aftermath

I really shouldn’t have said (in yesterday’s post) ‘the worst is over’ as far as the storm goes.  As someone said tonight : with any storm there is the storm itself, there is the immediate aftermath, and then there is the long-term to consider.  The NY Times reports that 8 million people were without power by Tuesday afternoon and that the recovery will be daunting.   The US Army Corp of Engineers has sent their ‘National Unwatering SWAT Team’ to help rid the flooded NYC subway of its water.  This team typically operates in the New Orleans area. It is the worst disaster in the 108-year old subway system’s history.

P.S. I made it as far as Chicago, and then learned that our workshops in Pittsburgh for Wednesday and Thursday had been canceled.  What to do? I could continue on to Pittsburgh (my flight was still on); or I could have stayed over in Chicago for a night or so.  But United Airlines had a Boeing 757 three gates away, scheduled to depart for Seattle in 45 minutes and with a first-class seat they could put me in for no extra fee.  So it was an easy choice, and Tuesday night found me home in Seattle, very grateful that I have a home with electricity and no flooding to deal with.

Monday night/ Sandy is ashore

The hurricane is now a ‘post-tropical cyclone’ and the worst seems to be over now that it has made landfall – but there is still a lot of wind and rain associated with the massive storm sytem.  United Airlines have not canceled my flight out to Chicago (and on to Pittsburgh from there) so I will try to get to Pittsburgh tomorrow.  Pittsburgh is right outside the white cone in the rectangle that where it says 8 PM Tue!  And no, I’m not stubborn : I have client meetings to go to that have not been canceled.

Sunday/ ‘the plot to destroy America’s beer’

I helped Anheuser-Busch put their SAP system in (this started in 1995).  A major article about the company and its beer just appeared in Bloomberg Businessweek.   Taken over by InBev in 2008, the A-B company, its iconic Budweiser beer and its packaging have been targeted with cost cutting by 52-year old Brazilian-born CEO Carlos Brito.  As far as investors are concerned Brito has done extremely well.  For beer-drinkers and traditionalists, it’s a different story. No more Hallentauer Mittelfrüh hops from Germany for Budweiser, no more whole grain rice (broken rice will do), and out of business goes one of its two beech wood chip suppliers in Tennessee.  Check out this cool ’99 Beer Facts’ chart from the Bloomberg Businessweek’s on-line issue.

Saturday/ 10-9-8.. Windows 8

Check out the commercial (I like it) that runs here on TV for Windows 8, officially released on Friday- .  The Microsoft entry into the tablet market is called the Surface (go ‘Wikipedia Surface’ to check it out), and is now on sale as well. The Surface gets Windows 8, as do Windows smart phones and all new Windows computers.  I wouldn’t spring for the Surface since I already have an iPad, but I would like to have Windows 8 for a new desktop computer or notebook computer.  It has been three years in the making : development on it started even before Windows 7 was released in 2009. Which makes one wonder what those legions of Microsoft programmers are working on today?

The entrance to the Microsoft store in University Village in Seattle.
Inside the store there was a buzz and a lot of people trying out the new Surface tablets. Not a lot of people waiting in line to buy it, though. Only a handful in line at this store on Saturday; there was a much longer line on Friday when it was released. Rumor has it that Micorsoft ordered between 3 million and 5 million Surfaces.
I was just thinking : this Sony Viao machine is not going to cut it for Windows 8’s touchscreen. The hinge is just not sturdy enough. So as you poke (touch) the screen, it bounces backwards. Annoying and NOT good. And sure enough, right then I see this article, saying exactly that : some hardware vendors will have to redesign the hinges for touchscreen computers. (If your computer does NOT have a touchscreen, Windows 8 will still work. You just have to use the mouse).
That’s me in the reflection, and that cable car and mountain is .. Cape Town, South Africa! (It was on there, I didn’t put it on). The pane above it is for Bing, Microsoft’s search engine, and there are panes for firing up Excel, Word and Powerpoint as well.
The map shows where I am, in the University district : ).
The msn web page looks modern, also with a layout with panes. (And an inevitable advertisement – for Netflix).
The desktop mode or screen with Windows Explorer looks similar to the Windows 7, but there are differences.


Friday/ fall-ing leaves and rain

The broom makes for a clean sweep of the maple leaves. Alas, it does not take long before there are leaves all over again!
Here is the National Hurricane Center’s projected path of Hurricane Sandy (as of Saturday). It is a very big storm, and has the potential to cause lots of damage once it moves inland.

The maple tree from next door is shedding its leaves the way it always does in fall.  I run out and sweep them up every other day or so, when there is a break in the rain.   I’m also keeping an eye on Hurricane Sandy that is moving up on the East coast.  I am scheduled to fly out to Pennsylvania on Tuesday, to the projected eastern edge of the hurricane.

Thursday/ Columbia City Alehouse

We went to Columbia City Alehouse in the south of the city tonight for some beers and food.  Check out the cute white pup outside patiently waiting for its masters inside.

The Columbia City Alehouse, in the south part of the city of Seattle. The doggie reminds me of Tintin’s dog Snowy.  The dog is possibly a Wire Fox Terrier, or a Westland High White Terrier.
Here is Snowy in one of the opening scenes from the movie ‘The Adventures of Tintin (2011), based on the comic book series by Herge.


Wednesday/ campaign frenzy

Less than two weeks, and we will know the outcome of the 2012 US Presidential election.  It is safe to say those of us that care about politics are a little on edge, given the razor-thin margins in the polls. President Obama’s stop at The Tonight Show (hosted by Jay Leno) was part of a 48 hour whistle-stop tour around the country.  (OK, so he flies on Air Force One and does not go by steam train).  He was very well received, and poked fun at Donald Trump’s supposed ‘bomb-shell’ announcement that was to upset the campaign*, and at Governor Mitt Romney forgetting his own long-held positions in the final weeks of the campaign (it is ‘Romnesia’ : a pre-existing condition and Obamacare can help out with that).

*Trump pledged $5 million to a charity of President Obama’s choice, provided the president makes public his college applications and transcripts and releases his passport history.  Trump is a ‘birther’, refusing to believe Obama is an American citizen.

President Barack Obama on the Tonight Show, talking to Jay Leno.

Tuesday/ the little rice cooker that can

Don’t be too shocked, but I have never owned a rice cooker! So I picked up this little Black and Decker model that can cook all of three cups of rice. It went for only $16 on a department store sale. Put the rice and water in (a cheat sheet tells you how much of each), and switch the machine on.  And 25 mins later you have perfectly cooked rice.  How easy is that?! And how does the cooker know when to switch from ‘cook’ to ‘warm’?  Well, water boils at an even temperature (and the steam escapes through a hole in the cooker’s lid).  As soon as the water is gone, the temperature of the rice rises, the signal to the cooker’s thermostat to turn off the heat and switch to ‘warm’ mode.  And there it is, waiting for you – warm fluffy cooked rice.

P.S.  And here is the most famous South African brand of rice that I remember from my childhood.  ‘It’s so easy, a child can do it’, said the commercials on TV back then.  It is parboiled (partially boiled) in the husk before packaging, and takes less time to cook.  About 50% of the world’s paddy production gets this treatment.

Monday/ the longcat meme

The word meme (pronounce ‘meem’) was coined by the British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in his book The Selfish Gene (1976).  Wikipedia says a meme is ‘an idea, behavior or style that spreads from person to person within a culture’.  An internet meme spreads via the internet (Facebook, Twitter, blog reposts, e-mails forwarded, web sites).  So as I looked up ‘horses and bayonet’ memes from tonight’s third Presidential debate already circulating on the internet, I stumbled across the longcat meme.  I think it is very funny. Check out the pictures!

From : *Longcat* is a nickname given to a cat who is quite long. One of the older and more beloved cat images, Longcat’s true length cannot be measured by mortal means as it passes through all dimensions of existence simultaneously. In real life, the cat’s name is Nobiiru (のび〜る) and he is indeed quite long! ..
And so here is a picture (from of longcat messing with space jumper Felix Baumgartner preparing for his jump (he jumped to earth from almost 24 miles up after ascending in a helium balloon on Oct. 14).


Sunday/ Bellevue Square

I stopped at Bellevue Square today.  The Apple store in there has been moved into a bigger space.  Weather-wise there was some nice sun breaks and blue sky to be seen today, but it was chilly outside, in the 50s (about 10 C).

At the Apple store. Got to love this giant MacBook Pro with the zebras! (from Africa, I’m sure).  Will something happen if I jump on the keyboard? The real one is the one with the parrot on the screen.
And here is an iPhone5 with a giant display behind it. I suppose I will have to upgrade my two-year old iPhone 4 some time, but I will wait until next year.
This is a beer from Oregon I spotted at the grocery store, and I couldn’t resist taking a picture of the Hop Czar.

And here is an ale named for Ebenezer (Scrooge), the character in Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.
Here’s the blue sky.  These are the new-ish Bellevue Tower condos nearby Bellevue Square. A one-bedroom condo will set you back $500k and a penthouse at the top goes for $2m. I see their website has Russian, Korean and Chinese language options as well. Hmm.


Friday/ new substation

Seattle City Light (electrical utility company) is moving ahead with plans for building a new substation in the city, the first one in 30 years.  The site used to be a Greyhound bus maintenance facility a long time ago.  Early planning is that 115kV or 230kV transmission lines will come into the substation.  The three alternatives under consideration are:
– A downtown underground route, primarily along Sixth Avenue
– A route that utilizes the downtown Metro bus tunnel
– An aerial route that crosses I-5 twice and traverses Capitol Hill << this does not sound good! Yes, it’s cheap, but unsightly and not nearly as safe as an underground route.

From Wikipedia : The typical electricity grid. The substation is the green one, and our homes are ‘secondary customers’ that get electricity at 120V or 240V.
Here is a map of the proposed Denny Way substation (part 1). From
Map of the proposed Denny Way substation (part 2). From


I took this picture just a few days ago .. the old Greyhound bus maintenance facility, site of a new substation near Denny Way and Stewart Ave. Now the windows are already out, and I am sure the walls will follow soon. G R E Y H O U N D L I N E S, says the lettering on the building.


Thursday/ Washington State is already voting

Washingtonians vote by mail only.  So we have no walk-in polling stations where get ink on your fingers and go into a little voting booth.  The ballots arrive in the mail, and you mail it in, or go put it in a designated ballot box in your area.  I got my ballot in the mail as well, on Thursday.  I don’t think it’s legal to publish a picture of it, so I won’t.  We have lots to vote for!  Of course there is the President to vote for, but we also vote for a Governor, whether to legalize and control marijuana sales, whether to legalize same-sex marriage, and if charter schools should be funded by the state, among other things.

Picture from the election issue of the alternate Seattle newspaper The Stranger. The newspaper fully endorses our tongue-in-cheek ‘Kenyan Muslim overlord President’. I suppose that is him they are depicting, marrying two women in a field of marijuana.
[From Wikipedia] The two heavyweight contenders for President in 2012 ..
[From Wikipedia] .. but these two other candidates have ballot access sufficient to also theoretically win the election by a majority of the electoral college: former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, the Libertarian nominee; and Jill Stein, the Green Party nominee. Virgil Goode will no doubt draw some Tea Party votes away from Mitt Romney in the swing state of Virginia : bad news for the Republicans.
A full blown article in The Stranger pleads with its readers to NOT vote for ‘moderate’ Republican Rob McKenna for Governor.  ‘If is looks like an elephant and walks like an elephant, then it IS an elephant’. (The elephant is the mascot of the Republican Party).






Wednesday/ the ‘eagle’ has landed

My new refrigerator arrived early Wednesday morning. The Sears delivery truck blocked the entire street in front of my house. Oh well. And the monster made it through the front door, but only with a special trick : sideways and tilted with the top doors completely open.  The door handles are very stylish and nice to use but they stick out a few inches.  And there it is .. what is this gleaming thing? I still think for a split second when walking into my kitchen. Oh, it’s your new fridge, silly.  And I am so thrilled to close the fridge door and know it is frrosty inside!

It’s shiny! And the top left does take fridge magnets. For now it’s only the crocodile, the hippo and the flower magnet that got to go onto the fridge. We will see how long THAT lasts.
Yes, life is good with a new fridge.
Here’s the chilled water and ice dispenser, with the LCD panel showing the temperatures inside the two main compartments. -1 ºF is -18 ºC and 35 ºF is 2 ºC. It’s cold inside !
Ready to be filled up with all kinds of goodies and some beer, and some drinks. It’s so w-i-d-e inside, since the freezer section is a drawer at the bottom. My old fridge had side-by-side compartments.


Tuesday/ Romney’s ‘binders full of women’

It was the second Presidential debate last night and President Obama was FIRED UP.  He won the debate, even though the Republicans say it was a ‘draw’. Uh-huh.

Asked if he would support equal pay for equal work for women, Romney didn’t really answer the question, said he had ‘binders full of women’ (their resumes, that is) when he was governor of Massachusetts.  But he didn’t solicit the resumes.  It was given to him by an equal opportunity group.  He did appoint lots of women to the state government and would have done better to just say that.   Instead the blogosphere and twitterverse lit up with the phrase ‘Binders full of women’.

‘Binders full of Women’ STORY HIGHLIGHTS from CNN
  • NEW: Barack Obama, Joe Biden take on Mitt Romney’s ‘binders’ comments on campaign trail; Romney responds on Twitter
  • Romney’s comments on using “binders full of women” in hiring; contraception could hurt his standing with some women
  • Obama and Democrats rush to paint Romney as someone who doesn’t have the best interests of women in mind
  • Romney will now have to score messaging points on the economy while clarifying stance on women’s health issues
The main page of an impromptu Facebook group inviting a discussion about equal opportunities for women – ‘Binders Full of Women’.


And watch out for the most powerful woman in the USA, Mitt.  The Secretary of State needs to upgrade that Blackberry to an iPhone or a Samsung Galaxy III.   (I found the picture with a Google search, not sure who created it).


Monday/ got my shot

Flu shot, that is. The 2012-13 Northern winter season’s flu shot offers protection against three strains of the flu : two strains of human flu H1N1 H3N2 and one of swine flu. (Sounds like pig farmers should still not get too close to their piggies!).  Here’s a nice YouTube video that shows how flu viruses mutate, and explains where the H1N1 and H3N2 numbering comes from.  P.S. Got to love those words hemagglutinin and neuraminidase from the video .. sure to leave your Scrabble opponents in a ‘dase’ if you build one of those bad boys!

Sunday/ under the spell of Spelltower

Here I am tracing out ‘MIOSES’ (plural of ‘constriction of the pupil of the eye’). I was a little lucky to make the word, one of those I vaguely thought existed, but had to look up the meaning of. But as in Scrabble, you only have to know that the word exists, not the meaning of it!
And here is a memorable Scrabble game I played against my iPad. I have to go all out to have a shot at winning. Typically the computer gets THREE seven letter words in a game, which is very hard to match !

Alright, so I never thought I’d find a word game to seriously challenge the fondness I have for Scrabble, but Spelltower does.  (Check out the video at  It is very addictive.  (‘A great time waster’ says one reviewer. Aw. Is that a way to compliment a game that makes you think hard?).  It reminds me of a little bit of the ’80s classic Tetris.  In Spelltower you cannot move the tiles around, but you can build words forwards, backwards and diagonally.  Any which way you can, as long as the letters are directly connected.

Saturday/ big buy at Sears

And what did I buy? Why, a new LG refrigerator. Yes, it’s a lot of money – but I cannot go on with my old fridge that has been repaired a few times before, and is again on the fritz.

Here’s the sleek and stylish fridge carrying the LG/Life’s Good brand that I went for.  It has a so-called French Door design which has the full-width freezer section at the bottom, and two ‘french doors’ at the top.
Sears will deliver the fridge in a few days and gave me this handy paper tape measure to ‘walk the path’ the new machine will have to follow to its place in the kitchen, to make sure the doors and openings are wide enough. (Sears should come up with a better tag line than ‘where it begins’ .. don’t you agree?).


Friday/ all things pumpkin, and Sidney Montana

There was a little bit of rain in the city on Friday, more on the way Saturday night and Sunday. Friday night found me at the Elysian Brewing Co. on Capitol Hill. With Halloween looming and Thanksgiving after that, the pumpkin ales come out, in the same way that Starbucks is offering their pumpkin spice lattes. (Horror or horrors : there have been reports of Starbuckses running out of pumpkin spice lattes).

The Elysian’s Nightowl Pumpkin Ale is brewed with 150 lbs. of pumpkin in each batch. Also with Pale, Munich and Crystal malts and green and roasted pumpkin seeds, bittered with Horizon hops, and spices such as nutmeg, clove, cinnamon and ginger.

One of our regular waiters at the Elysian is packing up and moving to Sidney, Montana to start a food-serving truck business with a business partner.  It is all part of the North Dakota oil boom :  They will serve up gyro sandwiches to the oil industry workers there.  (A gyro is a Greek dish of meat roasted on a vertical spit. To make a sandwich, add tomato, onion, and tzatziki sauce, wrapped in pita bread).

Picture from the Spokane Spokesman-Review newspaper. From the newspaper article : The Bakken shale formation stretches across 200,000 square miles, including parts of Montana and Alberta, Canada. It’s one of North America’s largest contiguous oil reserves, and industry experts say it could enable North Dakota to surpass both Alaska and Texas in oil production within a decade.



Thursday/ here comes the rain

Alright : barring a cataclysm of some sort, some serious rain is finally on the way for the Puget Sound region.  We have only had 0.03 inches TOTAL in 80 days! The air here smells dusty and of the dry leaves I swept off the garage roof and cleaned out of the gutters today.   And is that smoke I smell in the air? .. from the wildfires on the other side of the mountains that are still not completely out. All of that will be cleaned out with the rain.

Weather map from, as of 10 pm on Thu night.
And here is an extended forecast with rain forecast for every day next week (source: Temperatures are in Fahrenheit! 56 F is 13 C.